Monday, October 5, 2009

Operation Neckwarmer...complete

Okay, you have to understand that yesterday was a HUGE day for me. I finished a knitting project. I am not even may have taken me two months but its done.


Neckwarmer by you.

Sorry for the horrific camera angle, I was doing my own glamor shots.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Stove and mountain tops

Today has been a great myself some downhill skis, some boots and a couple more All-Clad pans to add to my collection. So when my mom called and asked if my goodness was that I won a million dollars, I responded, 'um actually I went the other way...'

I realize I haven't posted lately. I really wanted to be posting some photography. This fall moved fast and now we are in that leaf-less tree phase with no snow and everything is kinda ugly and brown....not exactly inspiring.

However, I drew this the other night. I am going to use it as a composition for a mixed media peice for my Mommas Christmas present.

Iris Drawing by you.

So feel free to comment and let me know if you know of a different iris shape or photo that you would recommend. I have until the end of the month! Clock is tickin....