Friday, April 25, 2008


I hate purses. I dont understand them and frankly nor do I really buy them. I am the queen of handing my keys to the sucker that ends up driving me when I get dressed up to go out and I dont have my overstuffed pockets to rely upon.

However, I should make the comment about tote bags. I love a good tote. I can put all sorts of things in there. Pens, sketch books, and most importantly my water bottle and snacks for the day.

Because I am becoming more environmentally aware this recycled tote bag toots my whistle.

Thumbtack Press

I am waiting to figure out what the plan for dinner is and I am doing some internet browsing. I happened to stumble across Thumbtack Press. While I may not be a huge fan of all the prints there I enjoy the variety and its certainally entertaining to look at.

This image here, The Woods are Saying Things by Alex Noriega is a beautiful print, and I can nonly imagine how vibrant the colors are in real life.

However, this print by Bob Dob I think sums up my freakish cheese obession for the day. Anyways, you totally should check it out.

Keyboard Crotch

Yup. that guy is typing on his crotch. I am sorry but I think this is just an excuse to multi task...You can get into a dirty chat room, and well have the full experience with a few stratigic key strokes.

I looove..... my cheese slicer

Last night my dear boyfriend that doesn't say, "I love you" kept saying..."I looooove.....(insert sometihng that isn't my name)" and yes, the multiple o's are necessary. he draws it out...I wonder if he knows what he is doing to my poor little heart when I hear, "I loooooove.....snowmachines."

So lets see here. What do I love?

I loooove my cheese slicer. mmm...anyway to make a big brick of cheese more accessable to my conumption is down right genius.

I loooove my shampoo. I was discussing this earlier today. I am totally addicted to the Seaweed shampoo and conditioner. It may be more expensive than other shampoos BUT this is an investment I totally support.

I loooove my plants. They make my cute little apartment so much more home-esque.

I loooove smutty reality tv.

I loooove the paitings my three year old nephew painted for me.

I loooove socks. smartwool to be specific. Though I am trying to reduce the amount of laundry I do and on days in which it is NOT snowing (which would not be today incase you were wondering) I am going without socks and wearing cute little flats. But thats a sidenote.

And yes...I do loooove my boyfriend. Even if he wont say it back. :P

Thursday, April 24, 2008

I have decided that I dont get out as much as I should...In my defense I am pooped when I get home and finally get all my work done. POOPED.

Why do people need to wear frindge? What if they stand too close to the backside of a fan?? I see this as serious healthrisk.

Boyfriend is eating without me. I better go before he eats all my food. I just got the "uhh, I am eating now." call.

Its here!

Finally, its here. Spring!!
We here in Fairbanks, Alaska have finally crossed the line where we lose more snow per day than accumulate it. There aren't even words to describe the joy in my heart.

I also got my presentation onto making one for next Tuesday.

Oh the bbq sauce was delicious but I have no idea what kind it was. I threw the bottle out. oops!

I got a new box of food today. I am pretty excited about that as well.

Today finally was a good day. :) It was very much needed.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Egg Muffins

One of my goals is to be more responsible about what I eat. I know that some foods are responsible for some of my horrid migraines and I know there are a lot of gernally bad things in processed I am teaching myself how to cook. Slowly but surely.

This weekend my boyfriend cooked this delcious meal, . I will say that he read the recipe wrong and added 3 tbsp. instead of 1 tsp of chili powder so the potatoes were pretty spicey. Over all it was a success and I would highly recommend it!

I made a lemon chiffon cake. was good.

The next morning I prepared some egg muffins. . Also very good. Way more filling than I had anticipated. However, the reheated version of them today at lunch, not so fantastic. Nothing like a nice soggy english muffin to really put you in a good mood.

Tonight it is just a barbeque chicken night, some corn...nothing crazy. I will write about how good the sauce is afterwards. Soy is one of the foods that I can't have...and finding good sauces without soy is pretty challenging. They are out there, it just takes some detective work.

New necklace

So I just ordered a necklace. I realize that I probably shouldn't but I couldn't contain my urge to be a super nerd. Incase you dont know me personally I am currently working on my masters degree in chemistry. Currently one of the classes I am taking is Molecular Spectrscopy and well this necklace looked like some of the wave patterns we were learning about in class last week.
I found my little treasure on and the link to the seller is,

I bought the green rectangular version of this necklace but here is a good idea of her work!

Saturday, April 19, 2008


The last few days have been crazy...but that makes for a good catchup blog right?

I went underwear shopping yesterday. I am going to spell it out...underwear hs gotten downright complicated and rather large. I dont mean to judge but some of that stuff is about the size of my torso...and as unpleasant as the occasional butt crack/thong exposure can be, I dont know how to manage underwear that comes up to my underwire. I finally found some that I thought was as close to what I was looking for as possible and I realize I am standign next to thongs that have glittler, ruffles and an emblem that says, "Princess". I really wanted to ask the girl at the counter how many of those she sells on a daily basis. We wonder what has gone wrong with our society...glitter/princess/ruffle thongs is where I personally am going to start placing some blame. This is my new favorite website of the day. I just ordered the "Rock" shirt. frankly...I am very excited!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I seem to have survived

Well I am still here. I took some antihystamines last night and was good to go. My chin however is still rather ugly. So I am hiding from public places today.

This is all I have to say for now.

Monday, April 14, 2008

unpleasant development

I seem to have developed some sort of food allergy...
I cooked dinner as I said I would...and as we were eating my boyfriend says, "Why does your chin look all wierd?"
me: uhhhhhhhhh....*dashes to the bathroom*
boyfriend: there are dots all over it.
me: yes there are.

The bottom of my chin seems to have broken quite a few blood my lip feels all tingly.
Its too late to go to first care. and I suppose my throat isn't swelling shut or anything like that.
I am mildly concerned.

Its times like this where I wish my Mom was in town, and that I didn't live alone. I love having my own space but when I start choking on my own saliva because my tougne is swelling up I am going to wish someone was around.

Blasted. Why didn't I eat dinner sooner? Like when the doctors office was still open.

March Photos...

Oh man...I finally got around to uploading photos from March. My dearest best friend in the whole wide world and I at the Tired Iron Race...and yes, that is me...with a moose made of moss. Living in Fairbanks is unique!

Meanwhile, back at the boyfriend just got done at work..and so now I need to get my kitchen ready for dinner. I love doing dishes....blah.

Banana Bread

Delcious banana bread. Solves two problems, stomach growling...and removes the shady lookin' bananas from my counter.

Pesticides are ruining my life.

Most people will agree that an abundance of pesticides probably isn't good for you. I am going to take this line of thought and apply it to homework regarding pesticides. Seriously reading about chlorpyrifos accumulating in the placenta is not fun and isn't improving my less than pleasant disposition.
I will have to say in some ways I am thankful to this horrid paper I am supposed to be composing because I have become even more anal about all the chemical byproducts that are produced in agriculture and other mass manufacturing processes...In fact, I have even become a weekly food purchaser of a CSA group in Washington, Its great so far. I just need to get around to eating more of it. Which leads me to my next point.
This past weekend my boyfriend went to a snowmachine/ski race in Paxson...and I went to a Backyardagains birthday party in Anchorage for my three year old nephew. Both of us had a very good, very unhealthy trip (chocolate and dear lord knows what my boyfriend ate) Now we are back in town and we are supposed to be starting this new life of healthy eating and exercise...well Saturday and Sunday I was suffering for a terrible migraine probably brought on by eating so badly the previous days...and now I have this blasted paper to work on and he just found out that he is going to Anchorage for three days tomorrow. When is this new life supposed to begin?!?
More importantly, when is spring supposed to begin? Its the stinkin' middle of April and we got six inches of accumulation today.
I must apologize for my first post being sooo incredibly lame. I will be the first to admit, I am in one TERRIBLE mood.
Not only do I have this stupid paper weighing on my shoulders but I am having one of those "women's intuition" moments. As corny and unpractical as it seems I can't deny it. Its there. And the worst part of it is while rare, its exceedingly accurate, and never good. I seem to have a sense for when relationship trouble is on the horizon. When I heard about this Anchorage trip that my boyfriend is going to be taking, it was literally as though someone kicked me in the stomach. I am not that clingy girlfriend that has to spend every moment of every day with my significant other...nope this is not the issue at all. This feeling is the feeling of someone else entering my perfect little world and I don't like it one bit. You see, I am soo good at this that I was able to browse facebook months before me and my ex broke up and I picked out three of the girls he was going to date after me without either of us having either met them. I am good. dang good. and that's what scares me.I have been sooo happy and I really believe I have a very wonderful relationship, and have had this for almost a year now...but this is the first time I have gotten this feeling while I have been with this boyfriend. And now there is nothing to do but sit, and wait till Thursday evening when he is back with me again.
On a different note I am watching a DVR of Lipstick Jungle, maybe some mindless smut is what I need.