Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday Night Reflections

Here it is, the end of the weekend.
I will be frank. It snowed...and stuck. No, flakes for a few days to ease into the whole winter snowed, for real.
Today my boyfriend and I went to the "Winter Show" here in Fairbanks...wondered around about. It occurred to me why America is getting so fat, at a place that should be showcasing activities and winter gear to keep you warm DURING the activities, they had all sorts of cooking things. It was strange. So I left mitten less, and slightly heart broken.

Never fear, we went to a local shop, The Prospector and I bought myself a new fleece pair of gloves and a new down coat. Because my boyfriend was with me he began to learn about my struggles coat shopping...but have no fear, he bought a pair of socks so I guess it was a successful trip for him as well. :)

I woke up with a headache this morning..which was disappointing but I guess it happens. I had done so well this week! But I took one of my 30 dollar a piece pills, popped in two Advil, half of one of the worlds largest bananas and a little bit of iced tea and somehow my mystical headache cocktail worked. I was headache free the rest of the day!

I saw my Dad driving my dog to get a rabies shot made me laugh out loud. My wonderful border collie is such a pansy...and cars scare him. Even four lanes of traffic away, I could see the horror in MacKenzies eyes.

For this week I am actually setting a goal of putting in a little extra time and making myself look nice this week. If I succeed in taking the necessary time to do all this, I am going to treat myself to a sweater a week from today.

I would post a picture of the sweater I want...but it is IMPOSSIBLE to find something with sleeves this fall/winter.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

guilty privledge

My latest addiction: Privileged.
Part of me wants to a super high paid person tutor that can spend the bulk of the day lounging on the beach talking to my friends. Stinkin sweet deal. Oh television...I am well aware how it jades my perception of life...but a girl can dream, even if she might be wearing the worlds ugliest sweatpants. (I really wish I was kidding)
Tomorrow is my super busy day. I got annoyed at work today..and I don't want to be there..and the waking up knowing that the day could potentially continue for 13.5 hours, kinda makes me want to run the beach...I would change my pants first.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday Night

Here we are, at the very beginning of yet another week.
Typically I try and think about what needs to get done, and what I want to do during the week at a time like this. I know last week wasn't all I was hoping for so we are hoping this week is going to go a lot better.
I get to see my sister tomorrow when she comes to reclaim her children. I am excited for her to see my apartment. I had it cleaned up, my boyfriend helped me...then the boys came back and its a little less than tidy again. Living in a small space has its advantages don't get me wrong, but it sure gets messy fast, especially when a nine year old and a two year old are involved.
Yesterday I was trying to decide what to wear to one of my best friends birthday parties and I was just stumped. I am trying really hard to be more financially responsible, but its hard when everything I own is falling apart or doesn't match. Now, my closet looks even worse than before...basically like my closet puked all over my entire bedroom. I guess the most frustrating part of the whole process is that I am getting older *gasp!* and even though old clothes still fit, they aren't me anymore...but yet I can't justify getting rid of them yet. Well after last night, I had kinda had was one of those purging experiences that need to happen every so often. In short, I am going to become a nudist. Alright, a nudist after I tone my thighs...dont thank me now, thank me later.
I looked for a picture, but I am tired. Time to go to sleep.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

3 stinkin days

Yup, three days..thats how long my latest bout with my blood vessels has lasted. My migraines really are starting to freak me out. I only left the house today to go to the doctors. I honestly dont know what is going to happen to me, my future, my job, my all is very overwhelming.

So tonight, I actually feel semi human again and I figured I would hop on here...the next few days are going to be super busy trying to catch up with everything that I have missed the last two days, work, homeowrk, reserach time, and two out of the four of my nephews are coming to town as I write this. I am soooooo excited! Seeing them will be just what I need after a less than spectacular week.

In honor of one of the longest migraines that I have ever had, I have decided to post a picture that somehow reminds me of my migraines. The darkness coming from the girls faces reminds me of what flows through my viens when I am having a migraine. Granted, the birds make it a much more beautiful thing than I would EVER describe it as, but somehow it reminds me that maybe, just maybe something beautiful will come out of my pain.

Geraldine Georges

Thursday, September 11, 2008

new lab

In approximently 30 mins I will be standing infornt of a room of people that I dont know trying to tell them how much fun chemistry lab will be...I can't say I get nervous, because I dont anymore...but I just want to know "am I going to say something today that will make me totally uncreditable the rest of the semester!?!?"

I am just one of those people that I refer to as "social-boobs". I say the wrong thing at the wrong time and end up coming across either perverted, stupid or just down right bizzare. As long as I THINK BEFORE I SPEAK, I should be fine...every semester has gone fine before this...everyone will go fine after this. I just hate telling a bunch of adults, "please, dont lick/eat anything while in this room." No matter what tone you say that in, it sounds strange, its a fact of life.

I should note that A. My chair is still broken and B. I onceagain had HORRIBLE nightmares, soo bad infact I drove to my parents house which is a good 20 min drive in the middle of the night. The whole waking up thinking I am going to die thing is getting old.

Maybe I should order one of these "be not afraid" braclets and I would be less of a wuss...

Kathrine Reichert

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

fall time

It once again is a beautiful fall day! This is the time of year that I loooove living in Fairbanks. Ask me two months from now, and my enthusiasm will start to dissipate. However, tonight me and my boyfriend are going for a walk near by my house to enjoy the fall weather. This will mark the begining of our training reguime to get into shape to one day for MACCHU PICCHU. More on this to come.

Note: chair, still one is in the works.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Back At School!

yup, its that time of year. Year 2 of my masters degree is underway offically. I am in the lab now, its cold and quiet. It also might be the most BEAUTIFUL day of the whole stinkin' second part of summer...the leaves are changing and the sun is out, its warm but not hot. GLORIOUS.

I AM … hungry.
I WANT… class to be done for the night, and to be in my nice soft new sheets.
I HAVE … a lot of work to do on my thesis.
I KEEP … paper, ridiculous amounts of scraps of paper.
I WISH I COULD … pack up, and go on an extended vacation.
I HATE … hypocracy
I FEAR … I am not as smart as I like to think I am. ;)
I HEAR … the glove box breathing...nitrogen in, nitrogen out. ohhh the sounds of the lab.
I DON'T THINK … winter should come yet.
I REGRET … not packing more food for the day. Thrusdays are gonna suck.
I LOVE … sleep.
I AM NOT … going to keep pouting, and being such a fuddy duddy.
I DANCE … with some super-sweet moves.
I SING … horribly...but often none the less.
I NEVER … want to be 14 again.
I RARELY … wear open toed shoes.
I CRY WHEN I WATCH … my friends hurting.
I AM NOT ALWAYS … graceful.
I HATE THAT … soy is in all the super tastey foods.
I'M CONFUSED ABOUT … why there ALWAYS are more dishes to do. ALWAYS.
I NEED … a good backrub. The chair is missing part of its leg and I am sitting crooked, and its begining to get uncomfortable.
I SHOULD … be more thankful for all the great things in my life.

Being the blog reader I am, I stole this one from Jasmine Star Photography
She takes such AMAZING wedding photos. They always make me happy in the morning. :)