Thursday, November 5, 2009


So here it is. The costume that consumed my life when I got back from my vacation...Enjoy!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Operation Neckwarmer...complete

Okay, you have to understand that yesterday was a HUGE day for me. I finished a knitting project. I am not even may have taken me two months but its done.


Neckwarmer by you.

Sorry for the horrific camera angle, I was doing my own glamor shots.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Stove and mountain tops

Today has been a great myself some downhill skis, some boots and a couple more All-Clad pans to add to my collection. So when my mom called and asked if my goodness was that I won a million dollars, I responded, 'um actually I went the other way...'

I realize I haven't posted lately. I really wanted to be posting some photography. This fall moved fast and now we are in that leaf-less tree phase with no snow and everything is kinda ugly and brown....not exactly inspiring.

However, I drew this the other night. I am going to use it as a composition for a mixed media peice for my Mommas Christmas present.

Iris Drawing by you.

So feel free to comment and let me know if you know of a different iris shape or photo that you would recommend. I have until the end of the month! Clock is tickin....

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Time got away

Time got away from me recently...however my game face is back on.

I know that change is a good way to reset life, break old habits and start new healthier ones. I am using this whole Dan being gone for a couple months as time to change and get a handle on some of the important things. Here is what I have been working on for myself and the progress that I have made.

1. Live wiser
financially speaking at least.
Dan and I have drawn up a budget that hopefully will save us a whole lot of money when he gets back. However now that I am here and convience is a very tempting motive things are a bit more challenging. I bit the big bullet and spent every extra penny that I had to pay off some debt from my undergrad degree. I should *fingers crossed* be free of all that burden by the end of the month. It was scary...but the right thing to do. I cancelled all the extra cable channels and now just pay for internet and phone. I also bought myself some tea to drink at work so I wasn't driving through my favorite little coffee hut on the way to work/school in the morning. All little things but I am promising myself to be good about this.

2. Live a healthier life style.
Remember way back when I said convience is very tempting? That means eating out...eating weird and unhealthy food because I don't want to sit down and cook for myself. However due to the budget restrictions also mentioned in the previous paragraph this is forcing me to buckle down and make sure that what I buy is not just crap like candy but good food. If I am going to spend money on something it sure as heck better be good for me ;). I also have taken up the Wii EA Active game...holy cow that thing kicks my sorry butt. It was questionable this morning how exactly I was going to put my pants on without requiring medical attention. I want to be able to have a little bit more leg strength for ski season this year. Maybe, just maybe I will finally figure out how to skate ski. Maybe.

3. Work on building the relationship that Dan and I have
Well they say absence makes the heart grow fonder but whatever. I want him home...I feel that my heart is fond enough dang it. Its been over three weeks and we aren't quite sure wither it will be 3 or 6 more. We are at an exciting place where finally our lives aren't just two separate entities but more so a vendiagram with a good healthy overlap. We hopefully will be taking a trip in October to go visit Washington D.C.. This will be our first vacation together and I am so excited I can't even really deal with it! However, I want to make sure that we do this the correct and relaxing...I don't know if you have ever planned to relax before but that in its own right is stressful. Its a very exciting transition point in our lives...I just need him to come home so we aren't put on pause anymore.

4. Finish my stinkin' degree
I NEED TO FINISH BEFORE I LOSE MY MIND. So I am writing this from the lab...waiting for a hot oil bath to get to the right temperature. It needs to get done. I have gotten two molar absorbitivies calculated in the last two days so that is exciting. I love the feeling of making progress and this deep need to be finished is also good motivation.

My picture of the day comes from my trip to the remote parcel that Dan is part owner in. It has been in a forrest fire about 5 years ago. We only went to the top of the property but at the bottom there are a lot of big birch trees and even a little stream. Next summer they will start to build a cabin at the flatter part of the property and part of the Alaskan wilderness will be another home away from home.

Looking up the hill from the property by you.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Finished Painting

I did it. I finished! My friend wanted a reproduction of a small painting I had made years ago....and I finished it last night. Check this out and let me know what you think!

Birch tree painting II by you.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Bazzillion Degrees

Oh my gosh. my apartment is ridiculously hot. Maybe there is some sort of vortex of heat directly from the core of the Earth to my living room...whatever it is. I am totally not a fan.

My boyfriend is at a wedding rehursal for tomorrow and so I stayed home and wrapped a full size mixer. I normally wouldn't mind but with his trip to Selawik in three days then the living room is filled with, Xtratufs, sleeping bags, three rain coats, who knows how many socks and odd gear straps. So I got it wrapped with my limited space. The real issue behind all this is somewhere under the pink ribbon, the Ibuprofen, ski goggles, and backpacks is the remote for the cable sooooooo tv is a little slim pickin at the moment. Dont worry, the bully is indeed getting a beat down.

While checkin out my twitter....I came across this fine piece of video, and I would like to say, I am kinda thankful that there isn't an IKEA for three thousand miles because I dont think I want my parents to shop there. Enjoy.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Early Fall Stroll

Me and one of my most dearest friends went for a photo date/walk down to Creamers Field. I may not be crazy about the apartment that I am currently living in, however...I love being so close to one of my favorite spots in town.

Bird house by you.

We are both learning how to use our DSLR's so it was nice. She is a Nikon girl and I have a Canon...but basic principles are still the same. Its very nice to share the learning curve with someone. I feel like with all the very young fabulous photographers online that I am behind the curve but spending time with a few of my friends is really helping me learn what the strange little buttons do and be a little less scared to try some things. I am hoping that by this winter I wont be such a camera idiot-face and be able to capture some real good shots. Feel free to comment on my flickr or here if you have any suggestions. I promise I wont take them personally and I really, really want to learn what I am doing.
Beth taking pictures by you.

Here is one that I used Picnik to edit. I am working on a painting of birch tree trunks so I wanted to really bring out the contrast of the black and white to inspire my last few touches (a photo will be posted when thats done)
Birch Trees by you.
Alright, thats all fine and dandy but not very exciting...I tried really hard to send the cranes or the geese a message so that they would get into a fight and I could get some sweet NatGeo shot...however, they were just standing there, eating or staring at eachother. Not exactly my G.I. Geese experience that I wanted.

Creamers Field by you.

Old Creamery by you.

Monday, August 10, 2009


So my Twitter friends have inspired me to do a real good job at this. I am going to go ahead and try round 2. (I am @ashleykaren)
I have done a much better job at getting projects started and heaven forbid, FINISHED. so I think I may actually have a product to show...which should make this round much better.

However, I am finishing teaching my last lab of the semester so I can't take a picture of any of my current works. I can however, share with you the most amusing website I have found in a long time, You have to understand, its really hard for me to pick a favorite....should I pick a "OH MY GOSH THAT IS TERRIFYING?" or a "OH MY GOSH THAT IS HILARIOUS" or a simple..."What the crud?!" So I went with this.

Have a lovely day!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Snow storm


This is outside my apartment in our current snow storm.
Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions.
Augusten Burroughs, Magical Thinking

mojo is a go go.

So I finally feel that inspiration and love of all the tings that make me,

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

tee shirts in the hallway

is the hallway a good place for tee shirts? No.
are the tee shirts going to stay in the hallway while i read about beautiful things online? yes.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Wedding Present

So granted, most of my close friends have already tied the knot...there is something about this piece that makes me think this would be a great wedding present!


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

tick tock

I am in love with a clock. *sigh*

Monday, January 12, 2009

lab work

I am in the lab this afternoon...again. Doing the same project that I have been for weeks now. I will be soooo happy when all of this water is removed from my sample. At least I get brownie points for being here and working AND I get to spend 95% of the time surfing the internet. I guess its alirght :)

All I have to say and thank goodness for Google Reader. All my beautiful design blogs are keeping me entertained while ice evaporates.

Yesterday was a super productive day. In the morning my boyfriend made me some delicous french toast, which always puts the day on the right foot..then my substitute landlord called about the door issue and he said he was coming we did a super fast clean sweep of the place and because I have been working on "the cure" it was easy to do. Substitute landlord got the door knob working and so that was great. Boyfriend left to go do laundry...I did laundry at my apartment for the first time in forever. Normally I take it to my parents house, they feed me while I do laundry and I dont have to worry about getting in anyones way....but due to extreme temperatures lately the drain was frozen on their my dearest mother came and did laundry with me. It was nice. I got a BUNCH done and got all caught up on the dishes...made some alright coookies...and then my Mom left, shortly after my boyfriend came back with the tools he needed to fix the door jam and we watched House for the rest of the evening. It was a great day.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

macho man

1. I went to the gym today and it was glorious.
2. Its still -40 outside.
3. I bought myself Little Big World, I missed it after it was returned to Blockbuster the other day.
4. My door knob froze/broke...and after hours of trying to get help from my landlord, and local locksmiths then my boyfriend finally took matters into his own hands, well feet...he kicked my door in! I have never seen such a thing before. It was pretty impressive. Talk about an act of manly behavior.
5. My landlord went out of town for months now and never told me.
6. Our dinner was nachos. It was delicious.
7. We are getting ready to head over to a friends house and they are going to watch "Slednecks 11". In case you haven't had the privilege of catching any of the 1st 10 I will catch you up...snowmachines, going fast and bad rock music. There, you are all caught up. Though if I go tonight my boyfriend said he would watch "Black Sheep" with me...and folks I am not talkin' the Chris Farley comedy..straight up zombie sheep. Sooooooooo in light of this offer I am going. I am also going to take my scarf that I have been working on knitting for a few weeks now. I figure good progress should be made.

Friday, January 9, 2009

I wonder...

On the list that I gave my dearest wonderful boyfriend AFTER Christmas...I wrote I wanted a locket. Now I need to say straight up that my super amazing Canon Rebel camera was waaaay more generous than I was expecting. I am much happier with my camera than I would be with a locket....but I still kinda want one.
So today I was doing my daily browsing of Etsy and I found this.

It even happens to match my current outfit. It may be a sign that I should buy it for myself.


Thursday, January 8, 2009

blah. all out of cheese.

I am watching MTV's The City and I think everyone in New York must wear strange hats...which both disturbs and intrigues me.

Could I pull it off?

Someone has an appointment for a hair cut tomorrow...that someone could be me! I want something cute and flirty but with a definite style. Its a very blah length right now.

And now for something completely unrelated...*ahem* Artisans crafting Barack Obama soaps. Please don't. I can't decide if you really like him or really don't. If I ever become famous enough for people to even think to make a soap that resembles me, I will find them and tell them to stop. I don't want my face shoved where only the good Lord knows and cleaning the dirty bits of some obscenely hairy individual. No thank you. I am pretty sure that the President elect agrees with me on this one.

That is all.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I am supposed to be cleaning

sooo I am sitting on my couch when I SHOULD be working...but its cold. I know, that excuse will only last for so long, so I need to milk it for all I can now. :)

30 days.

Susan Smith

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Handmade Challenge

sweet dance moves

This elephant is going to break it down on the dance floor...woo woo!

Nick Dewar Illustrations


So this has to be one of the most ridiculously awesome things on the internet.

'Luigi works in the tower operating the new aerial tram on the hill. He's also in a polka/folk/rap band called "Kielbasa".' Man, I am just giggling away. This is great.

Makool Loves You

31 more days

31 days until my birthday.
I dunno...I am ridiculously excited about it this year...which is never a particularly good way to start out.

In honor of the cold spell that seems to be ruining my life I would like to talk about my love for sweaters, big, cozy sweaters. You know the kind, the ones that are like being a functional adult in a this one by Anthropologie

Monday, January 5, 2009

More Apartment Questions

Does your home support everything you want to do? No
Do you use your home often? Yes
Is there room for everything you want to do at your home? No
Is there a good space for what is most important to you? No

Do you consider your home beautiful? No
Do you feel you have a sense of style? Yes (my apartment, not yet)
Does your clothing express your style? Yes
Does your home express your style? No

Do you consider your home comfortable? No
Do you sleep well at night? No
Is your apartment organized? HAHHAHHAHHAHA....okay I have to say yes or no so I can count...that will be a big NO
Is it easy to clean and declutter? Yes, yet somehow it doesn't get done...funny that.

Do you consider your home to be in good shape? Yes
Is everything in good working order? Yes
Do you take care of repairs quickly? Yes
Do you clean your home often? Yes

Final Score Yes-8 No-8

AH HAHA. "Weak. Energy drain. Visible problems in need fo work have probely bene put off for some time."


Okay..THIS is the bed I want to crawl into tonight. :) Also from Apartment Therapy.

The Interview

As I stated earlier, I am begining the Apartment Therapy eight step home cure.
One of the things I am supposed to do is list the answer to a bunch of we go.

Actress: Anne Hathaway or Reese Whitherspoon. Alright, a little cheesy yes...but they have a certain relaxed yet classy presence about them that I really admire.
Actor: I dunno.
Artist: Mark Rothco, John Singer Sargent
Writer: Defiantly mood I think its Kent Haruf.
Music: Upbeat Indie Rock
Restaurant: My kitchen...I know whats in all my food and that for sure its migraine free.
Automobile: I think I am an Audi girl...but right now I want a Mercury Mariner.
Television Show: NCIS...though I am a total sucker for teen dramas. I DVR Gossip Girl regularly.
Clothing: My favorite store is a cute little boutique in Anchorage, Blush

How would you describe your style in three words?
*Ahem* I have a slightly different style than how I dress...I live in Fairbanks Alaska, its -50F outside...all the cute skirts and boots I would love to wear are not really great option. I would say my three words are,

Personal History
Where have you lived? North Pole and Fairbanks Alaska
Where were you born? Ft. Wainwright Alaska
Where you grew up? North Pole Alaska
As an adult: so far, Fairbanks Alaska

Whom would you consider a role model? My sister

What three adjectives describe the qualities that you admire in this person?

What is the problem with your apartment (3 words)?

If your apartment could speak what would it say is the problem?

What one thing would you like to do or do more of in your apartment?

Eight weeks from now, when this project is done, if friends come to visit, how would you like them to describe your home (3 words)?

Little Planet Big World

I have never been one to become obsessed with a video game..but there is something about Little Planet Big World that is pretty much the greatest thing ever.
The pipes are frozen, so I am back at home today and its nice to know that when I get bored cleaning I will have a little sack man waiting for me. Yes. My own sack man, every girls dream come true.

My boyfriend said that if he were to design a video game that tried to match what goes on inside my head...this would be the game. I have to agree...there is a whole level about meerkats.

The Cure

Today I begin the cure....
wish me luck

Apartment Therapy

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Last night my boyfriend and I went to a fun new years was nice to get out of the house. Though I slept in waaay too late and my goal of starting the year with a clean apartment was an utter failure.

I wish I had this bed to crawl into tonight.

Restoration Hardware