Friday, June 27, 2008


funniest stinkin movie I have seen in a long time.
I can't even talk about it.

Watch it, laugh.
Though I will warn you. Its not meant to be a comedy.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Obama may be participating in the "year of the bike", but by the looks of his Lee jeans he may also be participating in 1995.


Oh my gosh. It is six thirty and ALLLLLLL I want to do is sleep. Here is the delema, I sleep now, I dont sleep later. OR I walk on the dangerous side and not sleep now and still risk not sleeping later. Insomnia blows big monkey chunks.

I am going to take a moment to vent, in a very non-pointed fashion. If you are a part of a group of people that are inpolite enough to smoke infront of my open apartment window...frankly you deserve to cough up that big wad of snot. I can't see who it is so I dont want to point any fingers...but I smell and hear this person and frankly I consider them to be quite inconsiderate and rude. I dont take a dump infront of their window.

There I said it.

And here is a picture, because blogs are better wtih pictures.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

Well as I said in a previous post, my and my man went on an Alaskan adventure for the remainer of Memorial Day weekend. Again, I am going to only post a few pics but please check out my picasa site to get the rest.

This is me on the beach in Valdez. I am not as good of a rock skipper as I ahd remembered.

My boyfriend and I standing infront of the largest mountian in North America

We rode the bus into the park, as far as was open but we could only take sooo many pictures of sheep so we took pictures of eachother instead.

Night with Jolene Trappers Creek and Beyer Lake

My best friend and I went to what we thought was the Talkeetna Music real life it was the Trapper Creek Music Festival. In short we needed to make the best of the situation. If you look really closely in this photo you can see what kind of classy establishment we found ourselves in.

I wont post all the pictures but here are a few highlights.

Then we spent the next day at Beyers Lake, a little north. it was BEAUTIFUL and a heck of a good time. Gave us some much needed time together.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

strange, but found
I have always dreamed of having a lemur brooch.
For those familiar with Donny will probably understand why I find this next find slightly concerning. Personally I want to stay as far away from Frank and his creepy bunny self as possible and I certainly dont want to awake to his shadow upon my wall. No Frank, I wont wake up to you!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

crunchy crunchy

When one of my nephews was younger...and he happened to get angry he would squint up his face and say, "CRUNCHY CRUNCHY!" I was super impressed a three year old had spot on described those moments that just irritate you and you need to release. Some people punch walls, some people resort to mind altering substances. I just "CRUNCHY CRUNCHY!!!" in my head. It helps me find an inner peace.

I did a search for what artists made that conveyed my "CRUNCHY CRUNCHY!" moments in life well...this is what I have collected.

This picture provided by of an angry possum isn't quite frusterated enough....lets see what else is out there. In fact, he appears that he just would like to have a tastey snack. And really, everyone just wants a tastey snack. I identify with the possum but it is not my crunchy crunchy picture of the evening.

She sums up one of those angry moments with her pointy eyebrows. Mine personally dont get that pointy...but I think it works.
Who would have thought, angry pancakes. huh.

Fine. I will resume this search for the perfect angry craft later. I am sleepy and well frankly, my attention span just ended. Peace out.

I am back!

Okay so the last month has been crazy between work and finals and feeling under the weather and squeezing in as MUCH summer goodness as I can....there has been a lack of blogging.

Have no fear. I have returned.

Today I feel rather accomplished. I went to work, took care of getting my deposit on my old stupid apartment back, met with my old roommate and settled the last of our business...then I went to the lab and I started a reaction. Afterwards I went to dinner with my Mom and have begun tending to my herb garden.

I am watching this show on E! about "Dating Nightmares". It makes me want to curl up with my dear boyfriend and never let him go. The last few weeks I have really realized how much I love him and how I really want to do a better job showing it. But I am getting side-tracked.

I will tell you that once I find the cable to my camera cord I am going to upload pictures of all the little projects I spend my time doing. I wish I could find that thing...sooooo instead of posting one of my pictures I will find an internet gem.

This is from an Esty (of course ;) ) shop, I love it!