Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I dont like hearts


I don't like dorky hearts on everything...but I do have to say I love this necklace!

pipes frozen


So its New Years Eve...but this would be lovely for next year!

I got sent home early from work today because the pipes were frozen and none of the 75 people that work there could use the facilities.
When I walked into my apartment I saw Science of Sleep was I am going to watch that, under a warm blanket and browse Etsy. What a great way to end the year!

Alright, I started this message about two and half hours ago. I totally fell asleep. I guess the movie put me in that sort of mood.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

stinkin cold

Its about -50 degrees outside right now. I am not even kidding.
I would take a picture with my new camera, but I dont want to ruin it by exposing it to the elements. haha.
Here is a picture I took this weekend!

Me and Snowzilla.
And for the record, this is in Anchorage where it was close to 0 degress...nothing like what I am dealing with here in frigid Fairbanks!