Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Oh my gosh. It is six thirty and ALLLLLLL I want to do is sleep. Here is the delema, I sleep now, I dont sleep later. OR I walk on the dangerous side and not sleep now and still risk not sleeping later. Insomnia blows big monkey chunks.

I am going to take a moment to vent, in a very non-pointed fashion. If you are a part of a group of people that are inpolite enough to smoke infront of my open apartment window...frankly you deserve to cough up that big wad of snot. I can't see who it is so I dont want to point any fingers...but I smell and hear this person and frankly I consider them to be quite inconsiderate and rude. I dont take a dump infront of their window.

There I said it.

And here is a picture, because blogs are better wtih pictures.

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