Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I am back!

Okay so the last month has been crazy between work and finals and feeling under the weather and squeezing in as MUCH summer goodness as I can....there has been a lack of blogging.

Have no fear. I have returned.

Today I feel rather accomplished. I went to work, took care of getting my deposit on my old stupid apartment back, met with my old roommate and settled the last of our business...then I went to the lab and I started a reaction. Afterwards I went to dinner with my Mom and have begun tending to my herb garden.

I am watching this show on E! about "Dating Nightmares". It makes me want to curl up with my dear boyfriend and never let him go. The last few weeks I have really realized how much I love him and how I really want to do a better job showing it. But I am getting side-tracked.

I will tell you that once I find the cable to my camera cord I am going to upload pictures of all the little projects I spend my time doing. I wish I could find that thing...sooooo instead of posting one of my pictures I will find an internet gem.

This is from an Esty (of course ;) ) shop, http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=12290195 I love it!

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