Friday, August 14, 2009

Bazzillion Degrees

Oh my gosh. my apartment is ridiculously hot. Maybe there is some sort of vortex of heat directly from the core of the Earth to my living room...whatever it is. I am totally not a fan.

My boyfriend is at a wedding rehursal for tomorrow and so I stayed home and wrapped a full size mixer. I normally wouldn't mind but with his trip to Selawik in three days then the living room is filled with, Xtratufs, sleeping bags, three rain coats, who knows how many socks and odd gear straps. So I got it wrapped with my limited space. The real issue behind all this is somewhere under the pink ribbon, the Ibuprofen, ski goggles, and backpacks is the remote for the cable sooooooo tv is a little slim pickin at the moment. Dont worry, the bully is indeed getting a beat down.

While checkin out my twitter....I came across this fine piece of video, and I would like to say, I am kinda thankful that there isn't an IKEA for three thousand miles because I dont think I want my parents to shop there. Enjoy.

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