Monday, August 18, 2008


I pulled a muscle in my neck. Not only any muscle, but one that seems to be rather critical to daily motion and substaning the life that I have come to know and love. I can't rotate my head. SO that makes sitting at a desk in an office chair rather difficult. Here i ma lying in bed wiht a heating pad on, waiting my boyfriend to bring me an icecream sandwhich. Frankly I could get used to this. My lack of productivity today has really gotten me thinking about how badly I really wish to have my own business one day crafting. I have read today about all sorts of various endevours I would like to begin. And if I didn't have to spend most of my day at a desk I would have the necessary time to persue these dreams.

I believe my next project is to work on perfecting my lovely coupon organizer and begin an embrodery present for my lovely mother. I am thinking along the edges of pillow cases. I dont want them to be uncomfortable.

So the bird print has nothing to do with my day. I just really enjoyed it.

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