Monday, July 21, 2008

I dont like peanuts...

Sooo one of my nephews used to sing the peanut song...*ahem* "I dont like peanuts, I dont like peanuts...sometimes I like peanuts...I dont like peanuts"

Today is one of those I dont like peanuts, sometimes I like peanuts sort of day. One of my personal goals for the week is to take my life one step further into becoming crazy-plant lady and collecting coupons. Dear Lord, I never imagined how hard it is to do that. All that work and I might save $0.60 on cheerios. There has to be a better way.

Tonight boyfriend continued to make me eat hopes of riding my totally irrational fear of anything from the water. He made shrimp and told me earlier today, they were like eating "sea-grapes" because they popped like the grapes in my Aunts chicken salad. I just thought I should share that.

The internet is totally inspiring me. Frankly, all I want to do is create. I posted a comment on the decor8 blog about how I believe some of my insomnia has to do with a creative frustration, but the insomnia makes me too tired to accomplish anything. My friend and hopefully will have a craft date soon. She has a quilt to conquire...frankly I need to figure out these coupons.

ALSO this friend of mine helped me solve a HUGE painting situaiton today. I have started painting a landscape for my brothers new house oh about six times and hated every single one..the want something that isn't my style and I haven't been pleased with anythign I have managed to put together. SO today I decided I would start it off as a stained glass painting...and use color and texture within the glass segments...maybe that is the happy comprimise for the both of us.

I want to live in a home of my own. I love my apartment...its getting cuter with time but I want a garden of my own so bad. My boyfriend is looking at property and wants to build a house soon. I am super jealous. I will be patient but one day I will eat my own carrots, dang-it.

Now its time show a picture of something I saw on the internet...oh the glories of the internet....
I used to get S+'s in handwriting. I think my second grade teacher would be pleased if I used this notebook to practice.

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